"Motion Design is not a genre. It is an art form, a medium that can be used to tell any kind of story in any kind of way."
- Unkown -
2023 Motion Design Reel
A Collection of my work
A collection of my 3D motion design and animation content that I've worked on from 2021-2023. It consist mostly of 3D rendered content from Cinema 4D.
1985 Nintendo Gameboy
Mockup Ad
I grew up with a Classic Nintendo Gameboy from the 1980s. It was a hand-me-down from my uncle, but to this day, I still cherish the memories of the countless hours I spent playing games on that iconic handheld console.
School of Motion
Logo Opener
School of Motion played a crucial role in training me to work with and utilize Cinema 4D for modeling and animation. In this animation, I employed a unique motion design technique using vertex maps to animate the change in texture and color.
Birthday Statistic
Explainer Video
For a project in MSJC DIG-570 Motion Graphics, I synchronized animation sequences to a pre-recorded audio provided to me. This animation explains the statistics of sharing a similar birthdate in a short, informative manner.
Low Poly Character Moonwalk
Beat it!
For a school project in the School of Motion's Ascent class, I've created a short animation. In this animation, I rigged the low-poly character's leg to make it dance to the beat of Michael Jackson's "Beat It."
Rigid Body Dynamics
Rube Goldberg Contraption
​For a school project in the School of Motion's Ascent class, we're creating a short animation. The main focus of this animation is the use of rigid body dynamics to simulate the physics of a ball rolling through a Rube Goldberg Contraption.